Sunday, December 13, 2009

KJW a Superhero :)

Kathryn Jensen-White is a favorite professor to many students, but most don't know that she not only a professor but also a contributing writer to many magazines, and an author.

KJW, as most call her, is exactly who I want to be and she has the job that I would love to have. The only one thing I would like that she doesn't is football. KJW not only gets to teach students about magazines, but she also is the faculty advisor for the Magazine Interest Group that is in Gaylord Journalism of Mass Communication.

KJW also has changed Gaylord's curriculum to encompass students with a chance to be able to receive a degree in Journalism with a specialty in Magazine Industry and Production.

KJW is from California but moved to Oklahoma where she went to school and ended up writing her book. From there she was the only Journalism professor at Oklahoma Baptist University where she taught all Journalism classes from Advertising to Public Relations to Professional Writing.

KJW has also traveled many places which is why she is so well cultured which many can tell through her teaching. She is passionate about diversity and equality and challenges her students so be the same by using objectivity in their writing.

Though the magazine industry is slowly declining and is making its way to electronic magazines known as e-zines, wrote a website with all of the info on the magazine world. KJW still thinks it is a great industry for students to want to work in and she believes that they should have experience writing for the different niches of magazines.

Mr. Magazine, or Samir Husni one of KJW favorite blogger to visit, says that magazines will never completely leave he world as hard covers. He says that people like to read and hold a tangible hard copy of magazines therefore though magazines are transferring to e-zines, as he calls it, there will always be hard copies as well.

Kim Jones, a student of KJW and member of MIG, said that KJW is a great professor and that she really focuses on diversity and the value of representing different cultures through magazines not only in the USA but in the whole world.

In doing this assignment I have learned that a truly remarkable professor is one that has been there done that, and until they have they will not make a difference in a students life. KJW teaches her students not only the right way of Journalism but also teaches them that it is fun. She is an incredible person, and I want her job.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Selah Heirsch is a college youth pastor with an extraordinary life. She has grown up in the church has an amazing husband, but most of all she has a passion for helping young girls in need. Working for the non-profit organization, Hurting People, Selah has helped numerous girls and opened a young girls house for those in need.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tom Friedman will be speaking to OU students on Monday December 7, 2009.

Friedman, and New York Times best seller is receiving the Gaylord Prize from the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication.

He has written several books on globalization and world affairs. Second to The World is Flat, Friedman wrote bestseller Why We Need a Green Revolution and How it Can Renew America.

Friedman will be speaking at the Fred Jones Museum of Art at 4:30 p.m. This discussion id free to all OU students.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mocha, Latte, or Americanna?

Many OU art students attended the Mocha Club meeting last Friday night to hear live acoustic music and hold a bake sale at the Loft located on Campus Corner.

The Mocha Club was a non-profit with the mission of helping to build infrastructure and providing basic necessities for people in Africa. They encourage people to give up two mocha's a month and give $7 to the mocha club to help build schools and provide education and water.

The hip new band called Lauren Band preformed on Friday night. Many art students love Lauren's band because she plays mellow tunes acoustically with the help of bongo drums.

"She is an amazing singer, and every song she played she transformed it to give the song a new feel," Senior Carmany Phillips said. "They would take a pop song and make it a slow song. They did great."

The Mocha Club also held a bake sale with tons of goodies for the art, music, and givers to buy which would help fund their cause.

"I liked how the Mocha Club used art and music to make people interested in their cause,"music lover and OU sophomore Bailie Gregory said. "It also set a really chill mood."

The Mocha Club was founded a little over five years ago, and holds meetings in almost every town to try to make a difference not just in the community, but the nation.

"I think it's awesome how their cause puts everything into perspective," Gregory said. "I can buy a mocha or I can give an impoverished child clean water for a month. It's crazy how privileged we are in America and how much we take for granted when there is so much need in other parts of the world."

For more information on a Mocha Club in your area, please contact or

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's All In Brooklyn

The Brooklyn Flea market is an event where vintage clothes, jewelry, and artwork are sold. the University of Oklahoma's Magazine Interest group went this past Saturday to shop, visit, and experience a new world of vintage, endlessly aging art.

MIG went to New York to meet with the editors of People, Glamour, New York Times Magazine, and parenting magazines in New York for a chance at understanding the jobs of the various types of editorial positions. Their free day finally came on Saturday where a handful of the went with professor Katheryn Jenson-White to walk across the Brooklyn bridge and go to the flea market.

"I like that it's different from the Oklahoma City flea market because it's like a garage sale and in New York it's like a vintage shop instead," Journalism sophomore Chinh Doan said.

Th flea market had a variety of 1930-1980 artwork, clothes and jewelry all reasonably priced, and affordable to the average college student. The artwork there was very different than the artwork in Norman, Okla. because of the fact that it is a different culture and lifestyle.

"Where do I begin to talk about the wonder of art and cloture in New York," Magazine Interest Group advisor and professor of Journalism said. "Oklahoma has amazing museums, but in New York its museums are at a multiple of ten. Then when you add film, theater and architecture its such an amazing rush for the eyes and the mind that it can be overwhelming in the best way."

The flea market also had furniture and old vinyl records. But sophomore Austin Anderson was looking at a different form of art: fashion.

"Like any form of art, fashion as a form of art starts as an idea and it's a visual expression of how they feel," Public Relations student Anderson said.

Anderson and his mother have their own fashion blog that has attracted the attention to many of the famous stylists in the US such as Tim Gunn from Project Runway. Although Anderson only bought records, the flea market as a whole was interesting he said.

"I like to stand out, and everyone in Norman wears the same thing," Anderson said. "I can where stuff I always wear in New York and fit in whereas in Norman I couldn't."

Though there are many forms of art, many vintage paintings were sold at the Brooklyn flea market, and the students from OU saw them in many different ways.

"New York gives you more ways to interpret your views of art," Doan said.

The Brooklyn Flea market is held every Saturday on Lafayette Street and opens at 10 a.m. For more information please contact the City of Brooklyn.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Italian Art Extravaganza :)

The Oklahoma Museum of Art could learn a hing or two from the Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa, OK.

Although many might not know it, the OKC Museum of art does not have many Italian Renissance Art pieces, but the Philbrook Museum caters to mostly Italian Medieval and Renassace period pieces.

The Philbrook museum is so interested in Italian art that it was designed to look like a 1920s Italian style villa and sits upon many very beautiful gardens.

"Opened in 1938 as Tulsa's first art museum, the building itself is the former home of oil magnate Waite Phillips and is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places," states the We site.

The museum also houses 8,500 art pieces that consist of Italian art, Native American and Asian art, and various sculpture.

The Philbrook is opened from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and on Thursdays stays open until 8 p.m. The price is $7.50 for general admission and $5.50 for seniors, students, or groups of ten or more.

From more information on the Philbrook please contact 918.749.7941.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oklahoma City Museum of Art is hosting London, UK's Dutch Italianates exhibition from October 8, 2009 to January 3, 2010.

The exhibit covers the masterpieces of the 17th century Dutch Renaissance in thirty-nine different art pieces.

Oklahoma City Museum of Art's website states, "It presents Dutch artists who chose to capture views of the Italian landscape of the seventeenth century as seen through their own eyes or imaginations. "

The company which is bringing the Dutch Italianates to OKC is known as the International Arts and Artists which is dedicated to "increasing cross-cultural understanding and exposure to the arts internationally. "

"Dulwich Picture Gallery in London, UK seeks to encourage the enjoyment of the visual arts in as original and accessible a way as possible, while preserving and interpreting its unique heritage as a world-class gallery. Dulwich Picture Gallery was founded in 1811 through the bequest of Sir Peter Francis Bourgeois R.A., painter, collector and art dealer," the Oklahoma City Museum of Art website states.

Form more information on the Dutch Italianates visit To purchase tickets of e exhibit please visit

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Th Norman Gallery Artists Association accepts new artists in the local Norman area.

The Association meets for an hour every month and membership dues is $30 per year.

Norman Gallery Web site states, "The concept for the organization of the Norman Studio Artists Association is to provide new types of support directly to the visual artists living and working in Norman Oklahoma."

The Association partners with the Norman Arts Council to make Norman the art destination for Oklahoma, as states on the website.

All members are encouraged to give any input or ideas and put them on the agenda.

For more information about the association or becoming a member, contact Rick Fry at 405.360.1162.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Norman Arts Council hosts The 2nd Friday Circuit of Art each month to show various art pieces by artists in the Norman area.

The event happens on the second of every month and tourists are able to hop on a trolley and go around to visit the new and ever popular new art pieces.

"Patrons are encouraged to ride the CART Trolley to different locations in Norman, including Norman Gallery Association members and local supporting businesses, and enjoy musical and circus entertainment during the ride," the Norman Arts Council states on their website. "At each venue they can get off and enjoy a different arts event and a variety of unique and interesting cultural happenings."

The price is only 50 cents a ride which would be two dollars for the whole evening. The event lasts from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

This event is in coordination with the Norman Gallery Association, CART, and the Fred Jones Museum of Art.

"The entire city of Norman becomes and art district, culminating in a wonderful experience of music visual art, and lots of fun," Norman Council website states.

Call 405.360.1162 for more information or e-mail

Friday, October 2, 2009

The city of Norman's Arts Council is hosting the Norman Art Explosion October 29, 2009.

"The night kicks off in October at 6:00 p.m. with a dinner provided by the Pink Elephant. Following dinner, guests are invited to the Sooner Theater for performances starting at 7:30 p.m., showcasing just a few of the best of the Norman Arts Council’s roundtable artists and other arts organizations," Norman Arts Council's Web site states.

The council has hosted numerous benefits such as Dinners and Dance ala Art.

"Over the years, the Norman Arts Council has granted over $2 million to dozens of Norman nonprofit organizations and serves over 13,000 Norman Public School children with the Arts-in-Education programs. Although the council is funded in part through the City of Norman’s hotel/motel tax, many of the city’s most popular programs would not be possible with out financial support from the community," Norman Art's Council's Web site states.

The council says they are hosting the benefit to bring awareness of art to the Norman area.

Tickets are $75 and for more information about this event call 405.360.1165.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The student art majors are in for a treat! Today at 4 p.m. they will be ripping down the Jonathan Brilliant statue which was built in the Lightwell two weeks ago.

Brilliant is an artist that makes all of his pieces out of scraps or metal, Starbucks stir sticks, Starbucks slid grips, or popsicle sticks. He came to OU August 28th and built the huge statue out of Starbucks stir sticks.

The statue is not glued, but rather woven together to hold up. Literally someone could walk over and hit it and the whole thing will fall down.

Graphics design major Megan Gessouroun said she went to hear Brilliant speak and said he has made many sculptures in the forms of a chandelier made out of popscicle sticks that hung from the ceiling and a human sized soda bottle made out of scraps of metal and painted white which now sits in a park.

"Art is how we express ourselves and shows who we are as people," Gessouroun said. "From country to country art is different and it really is more than just something to look at. There are various forms such as advertisements, building designs, and digital games."

Brilliant also makes his sculptures at the place where it is going to be displayed. When he came to OU to make his "Urban Jungle" he brought his own lift because he said the lift OU provided was too slow.

The ripping down party the art school is having today, Friday, at 4 p.m. is said to be a fun exciting time.

"I think that Brilliant thinks art should be fun as well as something nice to look at,"Gessouroun said. "He likes the idea of the tearing down parties. He also likes the idea of temporary art, each is unique and special so enjoy it, and then enjoy taking it down."

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Student Art Gallery in the University of Oklahoma's Memorial Union lets any student sale their own art for their own price.

"They have to set up a time for us to view the art to make sure it is not voulger and once we have okied it they set their own price," junior Katie Balin said who works at the gallery. "The student gets to keep 80 percent of what they sale."

Balin said the gallery does not do seasonal art but the individual student may chose to do seasonal art.

"Alison Ehtisham makes bouquets and she will do seasonal bouquets for fall, summer, spring and winter," Balin said.

The students who put their art in the gallery also get to keep it there until they take it out, someone buys it, or they graduate.

The Student Art Gallery has been opened since 1999, and is run by students.

"The University of Oklahoma's Student Art Gallery provides an outlet for students to expose their creative talent to Norman and the University community," the Student Art Gallery's website states located at

If a student would like to add his or her art to the gallery their phone number is (405) 325-8563.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Although this bog is geared towards young artists and their latest creations, there are a couple of pictures that needed to be posted. These pictures are an assignment for a Sense of Place and a Person Without a Portrait photos.
Both photos were taken outside of the Gaylord School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The first is a sense of place photograph showing intense lines that draw the viewer to the Athletic ticket office sign. The second picture a Person without a Portrait and it shows the contrast of the closeness of the bushes but shows depth of field of the bag, book, and iPhone.
I hope that both pictures capture an audience respectively but, probably more of an OU audience since they were taken on campus. The SOP shows the place where most students spend time purchasing their tickets for the big game. Everyone can relate!
Thanks for looking out,